Attention: Stop Fishing in the Ocean for Clients!

The Purple Fish


  • Why Most Experts Fail to Scale by Casting Too Wide a Net and Failing to Find their Perfect High-End Clients

  • Flip the Selling Script from "Convincing People" to... Attracting them into your Supportive, Intimate, EXCLUSIVE Tribe

  • Learn to attract the clients that you wake up every morning INSPIRED to teach, serve and change their lives!

How to Narrow Your Niche & Identify Your Perfect Avatar

Tuesday, August 1st

2:00PM - 4:00PM Eastern

FREE Masterclass & Workshop

If You Get This Right from the Beginning,

The Right Clients Will Come to You

Because it Sucks Serving the Wrong Clients!

Learn How to Create a Program That Fills Itself!


About Jay Fairbrother

Jay Fairbrother is a serial entrepreneur, business coach and mastermind guru with 30 years of experience starting, buying and selling 7-figure businesses. Jay’s story includes losing EVERYTHING after the 2010 financial crisis and rising from the shame to shine as The Mastermind Guy. As Executive VP of Global Leaders Organization, Jay is responsible for recruiting and managing amazing entrepreneurs from across the globe to start regional Chapters of GLO and create Masterminds globally.


August 1st

2:00 PM Eastern

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